quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

Photography Advisory Board

Link: http://www.seashepherd.org/who-we-are/advisors-photography.html

Board of Advisors

Photography Advisory Board

Jody Boyman 
Marc Gaede
Barbara Veiga

Jody BoymanPhotographs by Jody Boyman have brought nature to millions in the pages of Life, Newsweek, Travel & Leisure, Vegetarian Times and America West. She has photographed wildlife around the world. Jody's photos of penguins in Antarctica have been featured in calendars and she has been a major contributor to animal rights and conservation groups for years. 

Marc Gaede

Marc Gaede first joined Sea Shepherd on the 1989 dolphin campaign in Costa Rica as a photographer for Outside magazine, and has participated in numerous high seas and land based Sea Shepherd campaigns ever since.
Marc has published eight books and is an internationally recognized photographer. As a United States Marine, he graduated in 1966 from the U.S. Army's combat photographic school in Ft. Monmouth, N.J., and later served as a Marine Corps photographer at Camp Pendleton, CA, as well as briefly on the amphibious assault carrier USS Iwo Jima. In 1977 he was a temporary assistant to legendary photographer Ansel Adams, and later was the Photographer-in-Residence at the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona.
Marc received a Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology from Northern Arizona University, and a Master of Fine Arts in photography from Art Center College of Design. Since 1988 he has been an instructor of photography, environmental issues, and Physical Anthropology in the Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Art Center College of Design. Marc is an elected member to the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, the Paleoanthropology Society of America, and the Evolution and Human Behavior Society.
Environmental concerns run in Marc's family. His grandfather, Irving Brant, began his environmental career in the mid 1920s with the Emergency Conservation Committee, and later as the principal environmental advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Brant is credited as the primary founder of Olympic National Park, saving the Hoh and Bogachiel rain forests under President Truman, as well as submitting Stewart Udall to President John F. Kennedy for Secretary of the Interior.

Marc himself was a co-founder of the Black Mesa Defense Fund in 1970, one of the first direct action environmental groups which was a precursor to Earth First! The BMDF direct-action campaign against the strip mining on Black Mesa, organized by the American Indian Movement and Marc in April, 1971, is considered the first modern-day environmental confrontational protest.
Marc is married to Marnie Gaede, a longtime Sea Shepherd editor, advisor, and supporter.

Barbara Veiga

Barbara Veiga left Brazil in 2006 to achieve her dream: To create a better future for our planet. To do this she first joined the crew on the NGO Greenpeace vessel Arctic Sunrise that was embarking on its Amazon campaign. A few years later she made a transition over to the conservation group Sea Shepherd founded by Captain Paul Watson and took part in their anti-whaling campaign.
She has been a photographer for two years now for the Sea Shepherd, documenting the efforts to protect whales in all seas from Japanese whaling fleet. Between artwork full of symbolism and photo reportage, her photographs combine her training in journalism and her passion for photography. In 2011, she joined the “Revolution” movement and had an exhibition in Cannes during the International Film Festival. Since then, an itinerant exhibition has been created and now Barbara Veiga is going to exhibit all over the world.

quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

IWC 63: It's time for a change!

International Whaling Commission
Jersey, UK

Aqui estou em Jersey, documentando a presença da Sea Shepherd junto ao líder Paul Watson, onde acabo de encontrar o respeitado observador e participante da Comissão Baleeira Internacional por mais de vinte anos, o brasileiro José Truda Palazzo.
Foi uma grande surpresa reencontrar o Truda Palazzo nesta cirunstância. Na última vez nosso encontro tinha sido um pouco mais inusitado. Foi em 2006, quando fui presa e deportada ao protestar junto ao Greenpeace em frente  ao Hotel Mattiot, em St. Kitts(Caribe), onde aconteceu neste ano a discussão da Comissão Baleeira.

Ocorreu hoje o encontro das ONG's no Café JAC("Jersey Arts Centre"), onde tive a oportunidade de encontrar representantes, diplomatas, ativistas e importantes figuras que cruzei ao longo desses anos em plena dedicação pela causa. 
Continuo usando o meu trabalho fotográfico para transmitir a importante mensagem de preservação ambiental e anuncio que novas missões estão porvir!

A reunião final que determina a decisão da nova cota de baleias que serão permitidas à caça para esse ano será feita e anunciada no dia 14/07/2011.

Barbara Veiga.

Barbara Veiga, Paul Watson & José Truda Palazzo na Comissão Internacional Baleeira - Jersey, UK.

sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

Entrevista com a BBC NEWS - TV

Jersey Island, UK

A Comissão Baleeira Internacional está em andamento e acabo de ser entrevistada pela BBC Channel como representante da ONG Sea Shepherd, para opinar e descrever as atividades da ONG para impedir a caça baleeira.

Eu fotografei as missões em proteção às baleias na Antártida nos últimos dois anos a bordo dos navios "Steve Irwin" e "Gojira"(batizado recentemente como "Brigitte Bardot").

Confira a entevista no vídeo abaixo:


Para mais informações sobre a Comissão Baleeira, porfavor não hesite em se informar no link:


Barbara Veiga.

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

"Ativistas do Verde": Estado de São Paulo, 2011

Já tem algumas semanas que saiu no Jornal "Estado de São Paulo" no Suplemento Feminino, uma matéria que mostrou 4 ativistas exemplares no Brasil. Com toda a minha correria entre as exposições em Cannes, Mônaco e Paris, eu acabei esquecendo de postar aqui no blog no dia da publicação.

Eu tive o enorme privilégio de ser incluída nesta seleção de mulheres brasileiras que fazem a diferença e com a grande satisfação de ter o comentário da ex-Ministra do Meio Ambiente e candidata a presidência, Marina Silva. Uma mulher que tanto admiro pela sua garra e determinação na causa verde!

Aqui vai a matéria! 
Para quem estiver interessado em ler, basta pedir por email.

Barbara Veiga.

quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2011

Sea Shepherd Receives Commendation from New Zealand

Link: http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/news-110705-1.html

Sea Shepherd Newsrss_icon_20

Tuesday, July 07, 2011

Sea Shepherd Receives Commendation from New Zealand

The Steve Irwin cuts through the frigid Ross Sea waters searching for the Berserk. Photo: Barbara VeigaThe Steve Irwin cuts through the frigid Ross Sea waters searching for the Berserk.
Photo: Barbara Veiga
The New Zealand Rescue Coordination Centre (RCCNZ) released the official investigation into the loss of the Norwegian yacht the Berserk. The report concludes with an official commendation to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for the search and rescue efforts conducted by the crew of the Steve Irwin between February 22-24, 2011, in the McMurdo Sound area of the Ross Sea.
Further to this, Sea Shepherd would like to commend helicopter pilot Chris Aultman for his exhaustive and intensive 14-hour search of the McMurdo Sound area. The entire crew of the Steve Irwin is also to be commended for participating in this dangerous mission that gave cause for the ship to head straight into the teeth of the largest storm recorded in the McMurdo Sound over the last three decades.
Sea Shepherd’s rescue effort was documented by the onboard film crew, and will be televised on season four of Animal Planet’s television series Whale Wars.
Excerpt from the official report:
Two private operators (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and New Zealand Nature Heritage Cruises) gave willingly of their vessels, Steve Irwin and Professor Khromov, and other resources to assist with significant search efforts, and should be commended.
Click here to read the complete report on the Berserk incident in the Safe and Clean Seas publication.

"Women for Whales" em Jersey

Jersey, UK  - IWC

A 63˚ Comissão Baleeira Internacional começou esta semana aqui em Jersey, onde eu estou para acompanhar os debates entre os delegados do ano de 2011.
Manifestações maiores vão começar neste final de semana, quando as reuniões começam a tomar um formato mais sério no momento em que outras figuras importantes estarão presentes durante a comissão.

No meu primeiro dia na Ilha, eu reencontrei a Natalie Fox, uma amiga surfista e ambientalista, co-fundadora da organização "Women for whales" http://www.womenforwhales.org durante uma entrevista para a revista "Jersey weekly".

As fundadoras da "Women for Whales" incentivam instalações, pinturas e colagens de crianças entre 8 à 12 anos de idade com o tema "proteção às baleias" em Jersey.
- Foto: Barbara Veiga -

Formada também por Nori Neumann (designer) e Cordelia Brabbs (escritora apaixonada por golfinhos), a ONG "Women for Whales" promove de uma maneira bem feminina manter a determinação na luta pela vida nos oceanos através da arte, música, consciência e educação ambiental.

Obras de crianças engajadas por um planeta melhor! 
Os créditos: na sequencia, Thor Thieferthal & Kiera Burt, os dois com a idade de 9 anos!

Parabéns pelo talento dessas mulheres cheias de atitude! 
Foi uma honra fotografar para vocês :)

Barbara Veiga